Monday, September 15, 2008

A Malaysian Voice for Contribution

I am a person who is apolitical in many ways which is ironic considering my father named me after a very famous and colourful politician in the UK who unfortunately got into some trouble in the late 1970s, ala Anwar.

However despite using the word apolitical, I have since the coming of age to vote, I have never failed to exercise my voting rights as a citizen of this nation called Malaysia for what I believe is good for this nation.

With my upbring and my education background, I could have chosen to reside in several different countries in the world, however ultimately I choose to be a Malaysian and call Malaysia home.

Malaysia is home to me not because this is the land I was born in, which I am not. Neither is it home to me just because my family is here, as I have learnt at a young age that people adapt. Malaysia is home to me because it is the land I want to contribute to.

Unfortunately over the last few weeks, there has been lots of chatter about what it means to be Malaysian. According to some individuals a person must be of a certain race, a certain religion, live here for a certain time, forefathers are from here etc.

I am extremely irritated and sad when people say things above, as a Malaysian I want my fellow Malaysians to be contributors to this nation. As long as they are contributing to this nation by making it a better nation, reaping the rewards yet placing it back into the system to benefit more people, the person deserve to be here.

It is those individuals that suck this nation from its resources, the corrupt, the thieves, the leeches, the cheats; those are the ones that are not Malaysians.

As Malaysians it is time we look beyond whether a Malaysian is brown, yellow, green, black or purple. We need to look at his/her contribution to this nation.

We need a vote for that.


Anonymous said...

I agree and we should condemn all actions in trying to make Malaysia the land of the Idiots.

Anonymous said...

agree with you Ernie!

Anonymous said...

It's the stupid jerks that are creating all this havoc. Perhaps they should go create a Republic of Haters where birds of a feather flock together and they can go cuckoo together as well.

Anonymous said...

totally...these thieves and corrupt people make malaysians look bad...we are good citizens

Anonymous said...

things happen because people take things for granted. when they have power, they bully.

is not just about one person but the group of them. is just shameful as they have spent 90% of their time to argue but never spend 90% of their time to think how to improve the country and help the needy NOW!

I love Malaysia but i definitely don't satisfied with the arrangement by the government and the people who involved.

waste of energy and time....

Anonymous said...

its like love and hate relationship to me. sometimes you love what you see and what you experience and sometimes you hate what you see/hear about Malaysian.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking, Malaysia is a beautiful land to live. And, free from natural disaster. If we love this land, we must do something about that. Malaysian need to wake up and taking the responsibility to build a strong country together.

Anonymous said...

This is what Malaysian need to understand. Most of Malaysian love to talk about what Malaysia can do fro them. But they never think on how much they've contributed to the country. We always expect people to give us, not what we've done something for the country. So, what you've done as a citizen?

Jeremy Lee said...

Thank you everyone for keeping Malaysians for Malaysians and not for racist, idoits and bigots.

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote last March because I was lazy to go back hometown. Thinking back, I feel stupid. That is not an excuse to not vote. Every vote counts and I can't wait to vote after 5 years!!