This is my message to the parents and more so the graduates:
Times have changed, we no longer work the so called “normal” hours from 9.00am-5.00pm. We are now working in a globalised economy and the world does not stop just because we do. This 9am-5pm working hour thing is total nonsense. If every Malaysian works 9.00am-5.00pm, then let’s forget all the 24 hour conveniences we enjoy. Forget using the 7-Eleven, the Mamak, the petrol station, the shopping Mall and the Cinema. As a matter a fact let’s just stop everything after 6pm, go home and watch ... oh I forgot there is no TV. Why? Who is working in the TV station; nobody. Welcome to the world of 9am-5pm.
To the fresh graduates, welcome to the real world. Schools and Universities are illusions of the real world. Why? Work stops after 5.00pm for them.
In the office, it never stops. The larger the organization, the longer the organization works. Many organizations today work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year and it will continue to do so.
Are there individuals who work fixed hours these days, of course there are. They are usually the production line worker or the clerical staffs. So degree graduates, if that is what you want in your life, go for those jobs and the easy life and please don’t complain about the salary, you made the choice.
Oh I forgot, there is also a plus point if you take up such jobs. Overtime (OT) is usually one of the perks that you get. However if you want to be an Executive, forget the concept of OT immediately. The fact that I hear many degree graduates demanding for this is disgraceful. Ask your Managers if they get OT.
Additionally graduates, before you start citing from the Employment Act 1965, kindly read it from page to page. Why? You need to understand the realities of working life and that is a fantastic place to start.
Welcome to 24, 7 and 365.