What makes you unique in the contact center is that you are so computer literate, the IT team has to constantly play catch up on how you managed to bypass the firewall so you can get on Yahoo Messenger or update your photos in Friendster. You also feel the contact center job is not challenging and you could probably pack your stuff in 10 minutes and get another contact center job the next day. Isn’t it a wonderful life? But what is it that makes you tick and gets you excited?
From my experience working and interacting with 1,000’s of contact center agents, I have come to the conclusion this is what keeps you going:
1. Rewards must be plentiful. Money is good but the occasional recognition with dinner and drinks would be good. Oh, and don’t forget movie tickets to the latest blockbuster movie (with a soda and popcorn of course).
2. “I want to know how fast I can make big money.” Don’t bother gaining my loyalty, there’s no such thing. Show me the career path that leads to the pot of gold so I can get the car I’m eyeing.
3. “Give me facts man, not some theory and theoretical talk.” Cynical!? Who? Me!? You bet! I grew up being bombarded with information and it is in abundance, I don’t even bother go looking information or knowledge anymore. It comes to me. Library? Who goes to those anymore…
4. Give me a reason and I will challenge you. Hey! That’s what I’m here for, to challenge and question. Most times, I know the answer already. Other times, I just wanna see how you handle the pressure and handle the challenge.
5. Cut to the chase. Look, I don’t really have much time because my contact center buddies have already ordered my Café Latte and are waiting for me so don’t bother wasting my time with long coaching and briefing sessions. Just tell me what I need to know and I’ll have it down pat in no time.
So, to all of you who don’t have a Friendster or Facebook page (read above the age of 30), understand the above and you will be rewarded with excellent performance, done willingly and excitedly. The Gen-Y’s would like to thank you in advance for understanding us…
Since so many things are targeting about Gen-Y. How come Gen-Y has no response or answer to defend whatever is talking and thinking about you? I thought Gen-Y like to text, message, speak their mind? interesting...
Hi anonymous, didnt you see that is for age < 29? FYI, i'm 31; disqualify from the category of Gen-Y.
However, what the write argued are very true. Those are exactly the characteristics of Gen-Y individuals nowadays.
Thought that they are tough, kinda smart-alec, LCLY!! Is time to change.
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