Monday, June 16, 2008

Creative Problem Solving

In the business world, solving problems is not only important, it’s essential to keeping things moving along smoothly. When things go wrong with the computers at work, you know you appreciate it when a good I.T. person can solve you computer problems in a timely manner. However, there are some problems in life and work which require more of an abstract and creative approach to problem solving.

Enhancing your creative problem solving skills is a task similar to exercising. Each person must apply various means into their thinking mechanism to accomplish their intended purpose. Following are some four general ideas for improving one’s creative problem solving skills. By taking these principles and applying them into one’s life, the individual will be accessing his or her own abstract mental processes of problem solving.

  • All problems have solutions.
  • Allow yourself space to think
  • How would a genius solve this problem
  • Weighing in on the options.

In a demanding and unforgiving world, creative problem solving skills are a tremendous asset. Some people, because of lack of time and creative skill, choose the first solution that comes up, though it may not be the best. There are creative alternatives, and this is where the creative individual comes in. Using the five ideas above, the creative problem solver will emerge on top, with his or her imagination and ingenuity as guides. The creative solution selected will satisfy not only the problem at hand, but other potential problems that might occur in the future.


Ms Yati said...

This is a good skills to equip ourself with. Some people would try to avoid problems as there's only few would see it as opportunity to gain something more. It's just how you see and interpret it..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like most people, I tend to chose the first solution that comes up too. Now with the 4 steps that's given, (there's only 4 isn't it?) I think I can solve problems better in the future already. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

Most of the time I would choose the first way.Think it positively (that all problems can be solved),it is a matter of time whether such problem could be solved sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Indecisive no more. Thanks for the 4 tips!

Anonymous said...

I always look at this way. Problems always have solutions. If I cannot solve the problem at the time, I will think, what if my leader or manager are facing the same problem? What he/she will do?Then I will start to look at the problem differently. I do appreciate problems and welcome them, because I learnt and realize a lot of things in my life. It helps me growth from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I also prefer to choose the first way. I believe that every problem has solution. it is only a matter of time, sooner or later, it will be solved.

Anonymous said...

yes, the important way to solve any problems if it done by creative way. Think different way when u seeing thing.

Anonymous said...

Sometime I intend to ask people the solutions of a problem although I have the solution in mind already. The reason is I want to know are there any other creative solutions. Is it a bad habit? What do you think?

Anonymous said...

MS,getting people opinion is good however sometimes we need to make the decision by ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Semua orang mempunyai masalah. Samaada besar atau kecil. Tapi setiap masalah ada jalan penyelesaian. Cara penyelesaian mestilah yang terbaik dan terbaik serta terbaik sekali. Pastikan sebelum memilih jalan penyelesaian, fikirkan apa yang akan berlaku pada masa akan datang.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I am faced with a problem, I would normally come up with a few solutions, however, I would still discuss the problem with others because sometimes the solutions that others provide may be a better option.

Anonymous said...

Whenever i am faced with a problem, i look at a few different angles. Thinking out of the box is the best and it works.